Sheridan Technical High School
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mrs. McAfee’s love for students is undeniable! She refers to EVERY student as “My Child’ť and “My Fave’ť because she wants them to know how special they are. Her goal is that after they walk out of her classroom, they will know that they are loved and that they can do amazing things. Every day she ends her class with, “Make sure your table is nice, neat, and beautiful’ just like you are! I love you all!” As you can imagine, her high school students are initially students are thrown off by this comment, but just after a few days, they respond with, “I love you, too!” Mrs. McAfee not only makes her classroom environment a safe space but also a place where real learning happens. Students are introduced to classic literature as well as more modern artists. She highlights writers from diverse backgrounds who are similar to her students. This not only gives students representation but it also provides others the opportunity to learn about cultures and lifestyles different than their own. Excelling in creating an equitable classroom where students feel valued, represented, and respected, Mrs. McAfee shows her students that they matter! She gives joy to all who step in her classroom; thus, she is very deserving of this award.