Fishers High School
Fishers, IN
Mrs. Ferguson, lovingly known as “Ferg” is by far the most loved teacher in all of Fishers High School. Ferg teaches AP Environmental Science, Genetics, and Biology at FHS and works tirelessly for her students all year. Not a day goes by where her classes don’t share a laugh together, and she is truly one of the best and most engaging teachers in the whole school. Ferg works incredibly hard to train her students for their AP exams and is truly dedicated to the betterment of her students. She puts everything she has into teaching and inspiring young students, and she has a positive impact on each and every person she interacts with. Whether it is a new lab for APES, a mock exam, huge projects for genetics, or going over tests with students in Biology, Ferg dedicates her time and effort to any student that needs it, no matter what. Ferg makes students feel like they truly belong, and her classroom is a living place of learning every day of the year. Ferg is caring, hardworking, and gives 110% for her kids. Fishers LOVES Ferg, and I cannot think of any more deserving teacher than Ferg to nominate for this (much deserved) cruise. “