United States University
San Diego, CA
Dr. Pam is more than a teacher, she is also an Author, Mentor, entrepreneur and a Nurse Practitioner who gives her all to help others. She is the owner of a primary care clinic, adjunct instructor of Nurse Practitioner students at the university level and the Founder and President of a non-profit organization called Escape for Nurses in which she designed to help retain and prevent Nurse Burnout. Thousands of nurses completed nursing school annually to end up failing the State exam, which continues the cycle of nurse burnout and shortage; therefore, Dr Manning wrote a book to assist new nurses with their critical thinking skills and a online content review to improve with testing. Dr. Pam gives with her heart. Everyone’s call on her for advice. She is a trusted individual, a referral source for schools and medical facilities. Dr. Pam believes in self care therefore, she frequently creates group trips and take along 20 to 40 individuals she has never met before. The bottom line is she just cares for everyone but it’s time for someone else to care for her.